Sunday, July 17, 2016

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

Florence-based artist Fabrizio Corneli  doesn’t use a canvas or a paintbrush  like most artists. But he uses light, and as you can see from these pictures, he’s certainly onto a bright idea. Coneli who uses mathematical calculations to produce his stunning shadow sculptures says that  “light is the energy which creates forms,”. So when the lights are turned off, and only when the lights are switched on do the silhouettes takes form to create beautiful pictures upon the adjacent walls.

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

shadow art light by Fabrizio Coneli

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