Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or...
craft ideas of newspaper is a work of art crafts are made from paper and easily be found all around us, with the provision of high kratifitas ingredient in magic materials can be useful and interesting...
Paper quilling besides as an artwork is also very suitable to be a souvenir in a variety of events such as weddings, birthdays and other events. You can choose different forms of quilling paper dolls,...
Tattoo artist, Pis Saro creates beautiful tattoos that inspired by changing seasons of a nature. Her style is somewhat peaceful and edgy at the same time, while the tattoos, which are created for...
A young female artist from Pennsylvania, Rachel Beltz creates a mesmerizing watercolor miniature art on paper, the size of each art is approximately the size of a penny. The first set of her miniature...
See these photos below to find inspiration for your child’s birthday party, summer fair, Halloween and more. Some of them are easier than others to paint but let them all serve as inspiration as you...
Find out how to recycle and make cool stuff with disposable cups with the following arts and crafts decorations and activities for children, preschoolers, teens. paper cup ...