Saturday, April 30, 2016

colored sand art ideas

It's a fun and creative projects for you and your little artist - a colorful picture made with glue and sand. Drawing with a bottle of glue requires patience and control, then you can go a little crazy,...
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cute face paint

You can be the center of attention at a party with the cute face paint! Color yourself as a tiger a frog a bunny or just go glam and feel the glamor of floral painted cheeks and a decoration. Face painting...
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easy quilling

Quilling can be done with simple tools and supplies, and almost anyone will get beautiful results. There are over thirty basic quilling shapes. Most of these shapes are based on a simple closed coil or...
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

making of origami

making of orig...
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

disney bans tattoos

disney bans tattoos are a form of tattoos taken from the famous cartoon character, it is all a consequence of their love of the tattoo itself and their favorite cartoon characters so they express it into...
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mother daughter tattoos

mother daughter tattoos is a one of a kind and a variant or a term created by the many fans of tattoos, was so much love her on one of the roots of this art then istiah can only be made as part of an...
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blackout tattoos

A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Many tattoos serve as rites of passage, marks of status and rank,...
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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Yury Poberezhny black and white drawing

Below are the black and white drawing by Russian artist Yury Poberezhny. Yury was born in 1955 in Mozdok. In 1976 he graduated from Stavropol art school. Since 1998 he has been a member of the Union...
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Book cover painting by Juliana Kolesova

Juliana Kolesova, a Russian  illustrator artist based in Toronto specializing in Book Covers & Portraiture illustration. Juliana Kolesova has succeeded in various areas of art as an Illustrator,...
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A fairy tale illustration by Kinuko Craft

Kinuko Craft  is a Japanese fantasy illustrator  was born in 1940 in Kanazawa, Japan . She graduated from The Kanazawa Municipal College of Fine and Industrial Art in 1962. Kinuko Craft worked...
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