The art of batik is most highly developed in the island of Java in Indonesia. In Java, all the materials for the process are readily available — cotton and beeswax and plants from which different vegetable...
These are a creative ideas to recycle an empty toothpaste tube and for you who have have some messy, gooey fun with toothpaste art creations. This craft encourages sensory exploration and creative...
If you're looking to make something for your home or for a day in the sun, the creative towel crafts in this collection will prove to be useful. Yep, towel crafts are both fun and useful. Of course we...
with CD or DVD project is your personal favorite, you can created any DIY crafts of your own out of CDs or DVDs,amazing creativity and brilian ideas too&nb...
Bottle plastic craft is a great project for kids, even younger ones. These adorable and colorful tropical fish are easy to make and the project requires very few supplies. bottle plastic craft a really...