Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Animal dotted paintings by Ana Enshina

London based talented artist, Ana Enshina create paintings which is  reflecting the character of different animals using a very simple technique. Ana  uses her creative eye to envision majestic...
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animal watercolor and ink paintings by Norvile Dovidonyte

Lithuania artist, Norvile Dovidonyte work primarily with watercolors and ink. Dovidonyte inspired to create a playful characters by all kinds of things: people, nature, daily life, fairy tales, childhood...
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animal watercolour paintings

Art, especially painting can be poured with a variety of media, one of which is with watercolors.Watercolors as an art medium of choice and  many artist  enjoy working with it. The colors always...
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

halloween rock painting design ideas

This one  is for you who love crafting with rocks and look for some design ideas on how to paint rocks into Halloween decorations are so cute. How to paint rocks for Halloween decorations that look...
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Hallowen paint craft

If you have an excess paint at home, which is includes spray paint and acrylic paint in the bottle – and in all sorts of colors, including Halloween shades, use some of it up, and it’s not too late to...
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

newspaper decoration ideas

Old newspapers are excellent material for making a beautiful decoration ornaments for your home. Besides easily obtained at any time, the newspapers are cheap and eco-friendly. Use them to make an interesting...
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