Sunday, August 30, 2015

fun with origami

fun with orig...
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

food art, toast project by Ida Skivenes

The 29-year-old Norwegian talented artist, Ida Skivenes takes playing with food to a whole new level. Ida has never attended art or culinary school, but was inspired by her love of food, art, and photography...
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

textile art, beautiful embroidery by Kristen Chursinoff

Kirsten Chursinoff is a Canadian artist of applied art  who loves to embroider. Her type of needlework seems to her the most universal, the ability to attract a combination of hand and machine...
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

origami paper fold

origami paper f...
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Monday, August 24, 2015

Landscape ballpoint drawing - my artwork

I love art, especially drawing since i was child. In addition to drawing with crayons and watercolors, in 2000 I tried a new thing that is drawing the landscape with a ballpoint pen and I fell in love...
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pressed flowers craft project

Pressed flowers and leaves can then be used for a variety of craft projects. They are often mounted on special paper, such as handmade paper,paper decorated by marbling, as a wall decor and many more.Pressed...
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arts and craft ideas from old cd

If you  had shelves full of CDs with music, movies, and back-ups of our more-important-than-life files and you haven't thrown them away yet, this is some creative ideas for you! You can make from ...
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