Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unique clay and wire sculpture

Ellen Jewett, artist from Canada is sculptor reliable with high imagination and creativity that seemed never no death. Ellen succeeded in creating a sculptures out of clay shaped animals and plants. He...
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Saturday, March 21, 2015

art from waste eggshell

If  you want to  re-use of waste egg shells, perhaps embroidered ribbon stitch on the egg shells can be your inspiration. First you have to do is clean up the eggshell, drawing the design motif...
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Intricate embroideried artwork by Miyuki Sakai

Miyuki Sakai, artist from Osaka, Japan make an intricate embroideried thread illustrations. Miyuki using her  skills and patience to create a beautiful illustration with a sewing machine and thread....
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realistic picture on textile art

Annemieke Mein a textile artist from Australia create a fantastic realistic picture on a textile. Annemieke carefully selects colors, materials commonly from silk, wool, fur, felt, cotton, synthetic fabrics,...
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fabulous paper filigree by Emma Van Leest

All this fabulous paper filigree below is create by Emma Van Leest, a 37 year paper artist from Melbourne, Australia. Emma make her own albums of fabulous even filigree paperworks. Such delicate and filigree...
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Food art with chinese cabbage by Ju Duoqi

This unique project entitled 'fantasy chinese cabbage'  is the work of a talented 41 years artist Ju Duoqi who came from Beijing, China. It is a very ambiguous works of art with a beautiful woman...
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cactus paper craft ideas

Sees these beautiful cactus paper craft for a moment and you will find yourself in a relaxed, calm mood. It is a perfect decoration for any room. Cactus is a kind of plant to beautify room, but for some...
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